The Girl from the Mystical Land of Glasgow


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woohoo! i got a little bored on the internet tonight and decided to change my blog. I hope it didn't freak any of you out or anything. i'm sure that you all are glad that i finally updated my template. sorry it took so long, but i've been busy. i think the current one is the most jenny-like. you agree?
anyway, i went to david vance's going to spain party last night. out of habit, i almost wrote, "i had a blast."
but, i'm not going to write that. as much as i'd like to say that i had fun, i really didn't have all that much. things were REALLY weird with some people, and I felt like a total outcast. I felt like i was invisible at times. i must say that i had fun at times, though. i played some speed scrabble and did decently. then, chris and i lost at a game of spades to david pike and sarah miller. but it was good to play spades again. later in the night, i played scattegories with david's family. i didn't feel like joining balderdash and really wasn't invited to play trivial pursuit with everyone else. oh well. i got to show my skills at SET. ranjana finally beat me and she went through the house announcing it. she got several cheers, but they all know who the queen of SET is! hehe. and i am also the queen of twister. after defending my title several times, david vance managed to beat me. he only won b/c david high purposely called moves to make me fall after he fell out of the match. anyway.
i'm not going into anything else in fear that i might get upset, again.
i'm doing okay. i'm having a new year's party tomorrow. i'm not too excited about it b/c i know things are going to be just like last night. i spent 40 dollars, not including the price of all the cokes and paper supplies needed, today. every year i think i won't do it again b/c it is so expensive, but i just can't say no to everyone saying, "have a party." and if i'm going to have a party, i'm going to have a party. i can't have a bad one, so i'm getting balloons and the whole bit.
i hope it is more fun than i think it is going to be. i have to work all day and i'm not getting much sleep tonight so who knows what kind of mood i'll be in.
well i need to go and pick out an outfit for my party and finish some laundry and sleep!
i hope you enjoy the new template! i hope everyone is great! love you all!


the asriel's christmas party owned. yes, sarah, it owned! hehe.
anyway, i had a great time last night. i only got two and half hours of sleep last night, but it was all worth it.
the highlight of the night:
around 11, david high announced that there was a new version of taboo. being the taboo freaks we are, we all eight took off to walmart to buy it. for new taboo couldn't wait!
comes to find out that the gray taboo box david high had seen on tv was actually an electronic taboo game.
after some brief consideration, we all pitched in and bought the 40 dollar game. five dollars a person isn't bad.
anyway, we got our electronic taboo and it KICKS ASS! woohoo.
we played that for several hours and it was fun. my team one, but not b/c of me, that is for sure.
anyway, i had a great time.
today i had christmas with my mom's family. guess what i got from my mom? you are going to love this. no more hearing me say, "lock your doors" b/c i am getting electronic power lock things. it is going to be awesome.
okay, enough for now. i had a great day with the family but now i either need to sleep or clean!


haha, i just read over that after i published it and saw several typos.
sorry guys but i'm not going to go back and edit. just overlook the errors please! = ]
oh wow.
that is enough said, but maybe i should elaborate a little bit.
i hope all of you georgetown peeps read this so you can know what all is going on with me. i thought about emailing but then i thought this might be easier.

but, i may ramble, and if so, i am sorry.
so i finally got packed and left georgetown at about 3 eastern time to head home. it was a wonderful feeling to know that i was leaving behind all the stress and semester anxiety. it was a great relief. the ride home wasn't the best b/c it was raining, but i made it home nonetheless.
wednesday when i got in, i visited with the ferguson's (my aunt, uncle and cousins who live right in front of my mom's apartment). for an early birthday gift (or late georgetown birthday gift = ] ) my aunt took me and got me a month subscription to the YMCA so i could have some place to workout and stuff while i'm home. after hanging out with the fam for a bit, i went to the funeral home with misty, tracy, helena, rebecca, laura and teresa. i really love these guys and i've grown to appreciate them more now that we are out of school. even though the circumstances weren't good, with the death of miranda's father, we were able to able to catch up and laugh about old times. we managed to make miranda laugh a little as we walked up to see her. while some people may not have approved of our behavior, we didn't care. we were making miranda happy and that is all that mattered. i'd forgotten how awesome miranda is as well. she and i used to be great friends in high school with band and all. it is really sad that we don't see each other much at georgetown. hopefully since next semester is her last we will be able to get together sometime.
the main thing that we laughed about was this angel that had lights all over it. some optical thing or something. it was really tacky looking and we were all making fun of it. even miranda's friends who came down from georgetown were laughing. at one point both my group and that group sat together. the phi mus really enjoyed my friends. it was funny. they were making helena and misty say some words like "tuesday" b/c of their accents. apparently they thought miranda had a bad one until meeting them.
all in all, it was a nice combinations. it definitely reassured my thoughts that some of the phi mus are pretty cool, no matter what anybody else says.
after the funeral home, i actually went "home." although i wanted to hang around with them longer, i needed to get home and unpack.
so, as i neared my house, my mind wasn't focused on much of anything. then, when i popped over the hill right before my dad's house, amazement overcame me. what i saw was a purely amazing. my dad had decorated the house, putting up lights around it and the picket fence just like old times. when he didn't do it last year, i thought he'd probably not do it this year. it almost made me cry because it was such a comforting feeling to know that christmas here at home just waiting for me. and when i came in, i realized that the tree was also up . when i saw this, i was for sure that andrew and andrea must have came and helped him. i later found out that he had done it himself. how remarkable! i've never known my dad to take the initiative to put up the christmas tree.
anyway, that was awesome and it made me so happy and glad to be home in general.

i didn't get a lot of sleep that night b/c i unpacked and i got up the next morning early enough to go to mammy's to see her and sydney and papa, too. it was wonderful to see them. sydney changed so much in the three weeks i was gone. she says sentences now!
later that day, i went back to glasgow for the funeral. it was a really nice funeral, but it was really hard to hold back my emotions. to put myself in miranda's shoes was very painful. i really don't know how i could handle that. miranda is one of the strongest people i know so she did well. but i realize that some of her toughest days are probably still ahead.
after spending the majority of the day doing that, i decided to do some christmas shopping. i still had some to finish and i decided not to fight the rush of BG and take care of it in glasgow. i visited walmart 3 times throughout the night. i vowed not to go back for a week, but i went the next day to take mammy...
anyway, shopping was successful fortunately. after shopping i went by michael's house to see what he was up to. he was working on his car so i headed back to my mom's house. later in the night, though, he came over. we wathced the end of the duke/uk game and sat around and watched tv til 4 a.m. it was really crazy but i had a great time. i'll have to tell you guys more later. he is such a silly one! = ]
after he left, i drove back to monroe...yes, at 4a.m. it was crazy.
that next morning i slept til 12:30. i woke up scared to death that someone knew that i stayed out that late, but no one even asked why i slept so late. it was nice.
but once again, i didn't get to completely rest. i took mammy to tville to finish her christmas shopping and to get groceries for christmas feasting. i got to spend time with sydney so i didn't mind too much.
once back at mammy's, i wrapped christmas presents til i was blue in the face. no, seriously, i wrapped gifts pretty much from 7 to 1. crazy. and i didn't even finish.
now i am getting tired of the play-by-play so i'll make things breifer.

hhmmm. yesterday i went back to towne and country to work. i worked up front so it wasn't all that great. it was sort of boring work, but it was good. after work i went to the Y, GO ME! and then to carrie's house for her family birthday party. i had a really really great time spending time with her. she is such a great person and sometimes i need reminded of how great my friends are. i got to meet her new neice, so of course i enjoyed myself. and her older neice, kelsey who is in first grade, loves me. i carried her around once and for the rest of the night she was attached to me. it was cute.
(okay, so i am not cutting down much on detail, oh well)
i got to eat some good food including cheesecake-brownies. mmmmmmm.
i left there around 9 and pretty much sat at the computer at my mom's until nearly 11. i had been trying to contact ben b/c i knew he was coming in before i went back to monroe, i drove by his house. lo and behold, HE WAS THERE! i was so happy to see him. he is one of those who is almost always happy and hyper. it was great. i hadn't seen him since august. i got to open my gift from britta. too bad it was broke. it was the cutest glass, pink, pig candle. i managed to save part of it. i always have bad luck with my britta gifts. last year i didn't get my necklace from her b/c ben lost it or something....
but it is the thought that counts.
after playing with some of ben's and his brother's fun toys, i came back to monroe.
this morning i woke up, wrapped MORE gifts and went to by carrie's to give her her birthday/christmas gift. i'm so glad that she like it. i'm proud of myself for getting that the breakfast club movie since it is one of her favorites. and she liked the sweatshirt thing a lot too. she laughed at the tights, which was the only purpose of them. anyway, i got a cute scarf from her and then went to work at 12. after a busy day at work in the pharmacy, i went by misty's house. she was having a christmas party tonight. i really wanted to go but i had to have christmas here at my dad's b/c it was the only time andrew and andrea and i could do it. at misty's, i left some christmas cards and candy. i'm sad that i didn't get to see them, they were still out eating.
the christmas party here at my dad's was a lot of fun though. i got the cutest keychain from sydney. it is silver and it is engraved with "aunt jenny" on one side and "love, sydney" on the other. i almost cried. it is so sweet.
and i got a sort of weird shirt. i think i like it, but i am not for sure. i got a new game, "moods" and a bracelet from andrew and andrea. from my dad i got a purse. it is a really nice purse. fossil brand, but it is sort of big. i will keep it b/c some day i know i'll actually use it/need it. i give him props for trying to buy me something serious. he didn't buy my any tools like usual. sort of sad but i'm cool with it. he also got me a candle and the usual money. i think that is it. so, one christmas down, several more to go. it has been great so far.
i think my family really liked what i got them. it made me happy!
okay, i have to wrap some more gifts for my dad and get everything ready for tomorrow night. after work i am going to the asriel's christmas party. it is going to be awesome....i just hope things aren't weird with some of the people.

and as for the "getting me some" update...i haven't even talked to the boy. i have only tried to call once. so far, so good!
i hope everyone out there is having a good break. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! love you all!


I will always be a ballet dancer at heart!
I just love it!

tonight, while trying to study for my music appreciation test, i ended up dancing in the hallway with sarah. I was listening to Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker when sarah suggested that we go and dance. we attracted the attention, both wanted and unwanted, of our fellow dormmates. people hate us, i swear. oh well. they are only jealous of our personalities, our funness, and generally speaking, our state of being!
not everyone can be as cool as us.

anyway, i haven't done much of anything today. i have studied for my music test tomorrow but that is IT!
i really should have studied some calculus. i'm going to regret it on thursday.
but, for now i shall stop complaining and rambling and get cracking on something productive!
i'll be back someday!


I couldn't have a better reason to blog than what happened today.
Today is my birthday. "what?" some of you may be thinking. "Your birthday is January 4th!"
Well, my friends, not anymore I say.
Thanks to my great friends here at georgetown, my birthday was celebrated today, one month early.
so after getting out of math a little early sarah and i went to the C-store to waste some of my grille dollars. sarah was taking her time looking at this and that...and then she decided that we should go to the store and look around. i kept wondering why she was spending so much time in there, but i didn't think much of it. i figured she was just being her normal self. finally, after walking at a slower pace than usual, we reached our dorm. she got my keys out for me and just so happened to notice and comment on the side door being open. "somebody had their car backed down there and she must have left the door propped." she wanted to make sure i didn't come in the front door and see straight into my room and ruin the surprise. completely clueless, i walked up the steps, down the hall and unlocked my door. with that, i heard a "surprise" from my buds standing in my wonderfully decorated room. banners, one reading "surprise you just thought your birthday was in january" and streamers and everthing fun like that. they had gifts for me and everything....oh gosh...i just took a long break from writing this blog. so much has happened even since two hours ago or something...
i don't even know what to mention now. anyway, jennifer, tori, sarah and mio took me to cracker barrel to eat. great food! chicken tenders, hashbrown caserole and dumplins. and you can't forget the two wonderful biscuits! fortunately they couldnt' talk me into dessert and they didn't force me into it either. but, i came back to my room and had a few chocolates from my HUGE ass box of chocolates ali gave me.
let me mention the wonderful stuff i got, in order that i opened i won't forget anything.
ali: fun gel pens with spanish names, pastel paper pad, silly putty, and the huge box of chocolates...i'm talking over 50 peices!
tori and sarah: smiley face candy container and cup, matching toe socks and gloves, card games (rook, uno, and skip-bo) so they can collect dust when they won't play with me (kidding, cause we have already played uno), stickers and a black fleece hodded jacket so i can stop wearing "ranjanananananananana's."
jennifer mckinney: a princess picture frame for a pic of sydney (already found one for it), three little stands with clips for pictures, and some fun yellow gloves (they have black on them, too, as was pointed out many a times = ] )
jessica: more candy including a candy necklace, M&M's and hershey bar.
mio: a good smelling candle and wild lime body lotion, gel and scrub
jennifer mccoy: this toy called "cube it up." my gosh how fun is that. i didn't know how to play it so i just used it as my dancing partner at first. it was hilarious. it has a nice beat and ali agreed with me! if all else fails, use it as a boombox (i can't believe i just used that word)
farrah (and maybe partially from jennifer too, i got confused): labyrinth and mancala. both are lots of fun. labyrinth was sort of ghetto, but it works well with the use of my hands....i did pretty well although i think it is impossible. mancala is a fun game. i'd never heard of it, but sarah helped us out with quick instructions. tori became an instant fan! i enjoyed it too...farrah says it is sort of mathy, but tori says it isn't. anyway...i probably left something out, but that was the most of it!
i enjoy all of my gifts so very much! they will come in handy during finals i'm sure. too handy, i'm afraid.
but more than i enjoyed the gifts, the cupcakes, the banners, i enjoyed the hugs, the thoughtfullness, the love i felt, and the sense of knowing how fortunate i am much much more. i have always felt like i have had great friends, but sometimes i forget just how wonderful they are. i've never had a group of friends go out of their way to make me feel as special as i did today. no offense to you glasgow people, but you have some strong competitors up here at georgetown.
thanks everybody who went out of their way to make today so wonderful. great job keeping it a secret for so long, too. i had NO idea. december 4th will never be the same again and neither will my appreciation for you!
i may have to add to this blog later when i'm not so tired and when i remember more details...but for now, goodbye and thanks ever so much! i'll make it through til christmas break now, no problems. finals aren't important, friendships are.
i love you guys!
if you give a little, you get so much back in return. <== my overall thought for the day!
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me....whoops, it is the 5th now. sorry!