The Girl from the Mystical Land of Glasgow


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Wow, so its been awhile. What to say, what to say? I don’t really know what has made me blog, but it could be several things. One, everyone else is doing it, haha. Or two, I feel so free and I just couldn’t keep my excitement in me. Well, I’m not very excited, but I’ll get to that later. Or three, I don’t feel like doing anything productive, and for once I don’t really have to.
What has been up with me lately?
I’ve been studying my ass off as you all (three) know. The past three days have felt like weeks. And honestly, I don’t know where the past 5 and half weeks have gone. I don’t guess I’m going to complain too much, though.
So, I think I did better on my linear algebra test than I did my calculus test. This is really surprising b/c I expected the opposite. I’ll find out part of the results tomorrow and I’m getting scared.
So besides studying?
This past Saturday, I went to Indiana to visit matt garrett at purdue. I met carrie and shane in louisville and I drove from there. The trip was about three hours, but conversation made it not so bad on the way up. I can’t get over how much carrie has changed, but at the same time, stayed the same. She is one of those people who I’ll always be friends with no matter how different we both become. I think her and shane are going to come visit me over their spring break (week after mine). This will be hilarious b/c shane’s appearance is so eye-catching. My friends here may be embarrassed by him, but I hope not. Anyway, it was good catching up with her on stuff. Once at purdue, we found matt and went to goodwill. Yeah, really exciting, unique thing to do when you drive so far, but it was fun. I like goodwill and I got the coolest purple robe. I think I failed to tell people about this b/c of all the Georgia talk, but I love my new robe. I doubt I’ll ever wear it, but It may come in handy some day.
Okay, I just lost quite a bit of my blog and that makes me mad, but I’ll summarize a bit.
Basically, after goodwill, we went to a few shops looking for a magnet for sarah and then to eat at matt’s Chinese restaurant. Then we watched a bad TV movie and I studied a little bit. Later we went to walmart for what seemed like forever, but I got some cool stuff. I was ready to go after we got back from walmart, but carrie and shane didn’t seem all that ready. We ended up watching another bad movie and finally playing some settlers of catan at 12:30. We left at 1:30 and I got home about 6. It was very crazy, but shane hooked me up with a yellow jacket caffeine pill, and I was fine for the drive home. So, in summary, the trip was decent. Nothing compared to the georgia trip, but we all cant be that fortunate. Oh, and I must add that matt garrett knew pretty much nothing about the town in which he lives. Yeah, so he doesn’t have a car there and is always taking the bus or walking, but I’d think he’d know something. I gained lots of driving self-confidence this weekend, b/c I had to B.S. my way around west lafayette indiana. So, that was that.
What else did I mention earlier? I said something about my mom sending me flowers for V-day. It was really sweet and they are still looking beautiful! I think flowers from moms last longer than those from boys. My theory, but I seriously think boys curse them or something….just my thoughts. Anyway, other valentine goodies include a card from sydney and a box of candy and a card from the pikes. Have I mentioned lately how awesome they are? Well, I love them. The coolest parents ever, next to mine of course. And, melanie might be above them since she did give me a free airplane ticket….but, still they are awesome. Oh, and yesterday I got a belated v-day card from david pike. It was postmarked on the 14th, so I don’t know if that means he felt bad for not sending me one when he got the one I sent him, or if he just didn’t think about it being V-day and all, or what. Just weird, and I didn’t really understand what he wrote means. I don’t know what I’m thinking about him lately. I really want to call and just talk to him, but I don’t know if I should.
Lets see….about the airplane ticket…I’m very excited about spring break b/c I’m going to see ben at providence, RI. I am really scared about flying by myself, but hopefully everything will go smoothly. I leave the night of the 8th and get back the night of the 12th. I have no idea what we will do, but whatever we do will be awesome b/c providence has to be such a cool city! And we will probably go clubbing! Woohoo, I can’t wait…little over three weeks.
I guess that is about all I know right now. Actually, I think I’m just tired of typing. I’m in a weird mood, and I feel sort of out of the loop. I guess b/c I’m exhausted and at the same time b/c I am somewhat stress free for a change. Maybe after I get 9 hours of sleep tonight, I’ll be in a better, more Jenny-like mode.
I’ll be back someday, don’t miss me too much.
p.s. I’m going home this weekend. Can’t wait to see sydney. I’ve already put in my reservation.