The Girl from the Mystical Land of Glasgow


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David High was here this weekend. I had a lot of fun. It was good!

Why can't I always be within hugging distance from ALL of my friends?

The world works in mysterious ways, and I'm so very thankful that it does.

Eventually, everyone comes around if it is meant to be.

And I'm pretty much speechless beyond that.


I've figured out part of my problem.
1) I'm suffereing from chocolate deficiency -- I see a blizzard in my near future.
2) I'm having an emotional overload -- I can't remember the last time I have had a good cry.
3) I don't talk on ICQ anymore -- I talked to Matt and David High a little today, and it made me feel better.
So maybe i'll eat some chocolate, shed some tears, and chat on ICQ later.
i'm good guys, really = ]


If only my arms could reach 150 miles.
If only I knew the right things to say.
If only I could make the pain disappear.
This is about the only reason I wish I went to Western.
Goodnight and Happy Birthday Tori.


oh my. yes, again, the overall theme of this blog is going to be "I'm trying. work with me here, please."

so my mom continues to send me internet links from western to places that have internship stuff. even though i'm not dead set on considering an internship, i look at them anyway. today, i get this and i examine some of the thousands listed and i see nothing that I am directly qualified for (being a math major/sociology minor). so i decide to check out some of the links like Princeton Review, Internship, and Rising Star Internships. Now, I'd like to focus on this last one. RISING STAR INTERNSHIPS. i go to the site and click a few times and get to this
okay, if you don't really want to follow what I'm doing here, this gave me an alphabetical list of all the "areas," i guess, that you can get an internship in at this site. so, i scroll down to the M section.
okay, the last time I checked, MATH would go right between MARKETING and MEDIA. Startled I was, but I refused to give up. "Maybe math would be under NUMBERS. or should I check for ALGEBRA?" I thought. I even checked under the Ws for "WASTE OF TIME." nowhere did I fing math. I'm screwed. jobs with math just don't exist. haha!
okay, so i went a little overboard here. perhaps internships for math just don't exist. regardless, i didn't need this stress today. I swear i'm just going to start ignoring the stuff my mom sends me and worry with the career stuff over Christmas or just never. haha!
who needs a career if i can get jobs. (whao...relating this to Marriage in the U.S. now. gotta stop).

and by the way, sorry for the abrupt leave yesterday. i didn't get to finish my whole weekend story blog and the whole i miss seeing the friends my mom is constantly seeing blog. oh well. you guys know i miss you! i hope all is well. come visit me or something!

gotta be productive...Goodbye.


Oh my. I'm trying. really I am. work with me here, please.
I tried, for the third time, to find an article for my psychology summary, but i was unsuccessful. probably b/c the computers in the writing center suck my..., well, let me just say that they are slow and stupid!!! i tried two computers and two search techiques, and i failed miserably. Then, i pull out my probabily. yes, i finally faced reality -- andy and sarah, it isn't going away. dangit!
anyway, i opened my binder to realize that once again I didn't have my assignment written down. I tried to check my email to see if it was still available or whatever but it wasn't. now i'm just putting off calling sarah to get the assignment. this would take way too much effort as each question has several parts and we are only supposed to be able to do parts of them. it would be way too confusing.
oh my. i guess i could research that Thales dude some more. i won't even go there. oh, that assignment angers me.
or i could sit here and blog.
i had a great weekend. however, nothing significant happened at all. i saw sydney for many hours! it was wonderful. i didn't do homework. that was wonderful, too. i bought new shoes, and guess what....that was wonderful! okay, so i'm a little bit looney!!! perhaps the largest surprise was my dentist appointment on friday... I HAD NO CAVITIES. this used to not be a big deal, but for the past few years, it was just a given. no matter how much i improved my dental cleaning routines, i would still have cavities. i was so sure of this that i sort of made plans to skip class this morning or go home again this friday to get them filled. but i didn't have to!!!
maybe i should always expect the worse....but then that wouldn't be healthy.
i was sort of sad that i didn't get to see any glasgow friends this weekend. it sucks more that my mom gets to see my friends all the time. she is always telling me about running into david vance in the library, michael nunnally on his bike, david high walking somewhere, or hearing matt humphreys (as she calls him) yell out her name.

well, mio just came in and told me that she threw away her probability homework. that is great. it really did go away for her. i'm happy now. i think i'm inspired to do math.