Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference. I, without much hesitation, believe I can say that I made a little girl's birthday today. The look on Amber's face today was like none I'd ever seen on her. I'm glad I had my camera so I could catch the joy and share it with others.
After more than a year, I'm finally really understanding and witnessing the greatness of volunteering as a Big Sister through Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I knew that this would be a good thing, but it is becoming a great thing. I encourage everyone to consider making a difference in a little child's life through this program at some point during his/her lifetime.
smiling a bit more this evening,
jenny 1:22 AM
Do you ever feel uncertain about your place in life?
If life was one huge play, what role would you play?
Sometimes I feel so confused about my purpose in this world.
What does my life contribute to the overall picture?
I feel like I should be doing so much more. Yet I have no clue what that would be.
If I were to die tomorrow, there would be so much left undone, unsaid, unthought.
What if? What if? What if? Too often do I ask myself this.
jenny 11:31 PM